
Get ideas, get advice, create a good map for yourself

Other goals will require a bit more thought. Some will really leave you stuck without a clue of how to get there. Not to worry, though, no matter where it is you want to go, someone, somewhere has probably already been there. So what did they do to get there, what road did they take? Books, biographies and such, can be a real help with this. So hit the library if you’re in need of guidelines.

Get ideas, get advice, create a good map for yourself, and know where you’re going. Write it down, and make sure you can read it every day.

Sometimes your action plans may not get you to where you want to be. Maybe something is missing, maybe some step is not quite right. If you find this is the case, after exercising your full patience and persistence, you simply must rework your plan.

Look at it, figure out what’s missing, and get back at it. It’s just like following a map through a place you’ve never been before. If you find taking a particular road takes you to the wrong town, rather than turning around and going home, giving up, you take a second look at your map, figure out where you made the wrong turn, and get back on the road.

Whatever you do — Keep your hands on the wheel!

Artikel yang saya baca hari ini, terus buat saya teruja… ingin berkongsi bersama… Tiap hari saya rasa sentiasa bersemangat dan fokus untuk Plan B!

Pemilik tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kerosakkan atau kehilangan yang dialami disebabkan oleh penggunaan maklumat di dalam laman ini. Jika anda memerlukan perkhidmatan nasihat yang khusus, sila dapatkan pakar bertauliah dan berpengetahuan di dalam bidang berkenaan. Untuk biodata penuh boleh lihat di Biodata Kujie

6 thoughts on “Get ideas, get advice, create a good map for yourself

  1. Nampak gambar stadium sarang burung tu teringat dokumentari kat national geography tentang stadium tu… di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan…. 🙂

    Kujie ~ yeahhh… gambar itu mmg ada sangkut paut dgn semangat utk mencapai sesuatu..
    fokus pada impian..berusaha… 😆
    Insya Allah

  2. plan b tu plan apa cik puan kujie oiiii … wat reban ayam? reban kamben? reban lembu? kolam ikan?

    Kujie ~ nnt sy bisik2 ye…ape benda tu….sorang je tau..jgn bgtau org len..terutamanya yonna 😆

  3. Fuhh…tetiba bersemangat baca artikel ni. Moga2 apa yg intan impikan berbuahkan hasil dlm masa terdekat ni… Amin.

    Kujie ~ kadang2 bila down…merayau…baca entri mcm ni
    boleh kembalikan semangat yang hilang
    utk diri sendiri
    dah kawan2…. 😆
    impian dan usahan pasti berjaya..insyaallah

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