Jelly said…
kak jie, tompang tanya apa makna “dari baling ke serendah”? nama tempat ekk???
maap la sounds stupid tapi saya nie tak belajo geografi since form 3….
Ramai yang bertanya soalan ini, pada entry terdahulu saya pernah menulis serba sedikit mengenai Sejarah Baling.
truanta said…
btw i read the star today ( sunday )..there a site citer sal serendah..the best place in that serendah is the same with kak jienya serendah ker?
its look good..such wonderful place…
Saya dengan rasa bangganya mencopy paste artikel tersebut untuk pengunjung blog saya dan untuk kawan² saya yang masih belum mengenali Serendah. Saya mula berpindah ke Serendah sejak tahun 2002 dan selesa tinggal di sini walaupun daerah kami sekarang lebih popular dengan Daerah Penyapu
For a relaxing Sunday outing, head for the lush greenery of Serendah, just an hour’s drive north of Kuala Lumpur.
Although the Serendah Fall is only about 8.5 metres high, the beauty lies in the vertical drop. A lot of people come here to have some fun in the sun and enjoy the clear cold water. There are several shops in case you need some refreshments. There is also a surau for the Muslims to perform prayers.
Serendah Forest Reserve
Serendah Forest Reserve is in the northern part of Templer Park. With trails that lead up to the 360m Bukit Takun, a limestone cliff, it is a favourite among nature fans, rock climbers and conservationists.
On the way to the Serendah Fall, you will pass by the orang asli villages. You can drop by and have a look around the place. You can chat with the folks there as they are rather friendly.
The Serendah International Orchid Farm is a lovely spot for avid gardeners in need of a few hours of peace and quiet surrounded by beautiful flowers. There are over 100 varieties of orchids most of which are hybrid varieties, which are imported and grown on hillside terraces.
If you’re the adventurous type, then this is definitely your cup of tea. There is a small trek that will guide you through the jungle. But be warned, never do it in the middle of the night as it can be pretty dark and you might lose your bearings. It is advisable to take a torchlight with you even in the daytime.
Telaga Tujuh > click here for photos
A place of mystery and intrigue, Telaga Tujuh (Seven Wells) comprises seven natural pools or wells which are fed by waters that come from a river flowing downstream in a series of cascading waterfalls. The overflow from the first pool forms a little stream that flows to subsequent pools below. Locals believe that this area is a favourite playground of fairies and genies. It is said that you can actually sense that these mystical beings are near at times, especially when you suddenly pick up an inexplicable scent in the air.

Kolam Pancing & Gerai Makan Danau Serendah has been here for quite sometime and it still attracts a lot of people. This is an interesting place to visit because you get to eat what you catch. There is a big lake and you get to try your hands at fishing. After you’ve caught a few, you can get the chef to cook them for you.
Everybody Restaurant
This restaurant has been here for over a decade and serves one of the best seafood Hokkien mee around, according to the locals. If you do come to the restaurant, you must try the Sang Yu bihun soup as well. The ikan haruan is cooked to perfection.
Getting there
From Kuala Lumpur, take the North-South Highway heading north and exit at Rawang. After the Rawang tollgate, turn right and head north via the old trunk road. Pass busy Rawang town and head toward Serendah (10km away).
Sumber : The Star
Maklumat tambahan :
Kilang Perodua terletak di Serendah, bukan Rawang!
belum berkesempatan nak kesana tapi air terjunnya mengamcam..anak anak balik kampung mandi parit je…nak bawa kesungai jauh la pulak
hehehe..kt Kelantan pon ade gak tempat nama Serendah..
tapi name dia lain skit…Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga Negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang..dulu kat situ negeri..skrg dah jadi kg..jerk.hehehe
Khaleedas last blog post..Fruit juices may lead to diabetes
shidahs last blog post..Tawan Puncak Gunung Baling
@shidah, baru dok serendah 5 tahun 😀
Serendah yang best…!
erk… cukai?
gigil ni, takut org majlis dtg :p
i luv serendah also…walaupun bayak tanah tinggi tetapi namanya tetap serendah 😀
psssst…cukai pintu dah bayaq? silap hari bulan dapat penyapu lagi tahun depan…
wira yup…2 nama tempat yg unik..untung kakjie dpt tinggal di sini
rantingperkasa masa kita p tu mmg dah roboh ye..tak ingat la pula…lama dah tak p sana…tp kt atas tu ada tempat best skrg ni…nnt mai la……kita g mandi2 lagi
lama x gi mandi kat air terjun serendah tu. errr…jambatan dia yg runtuh hari tu dah baiki ke belum????
dari baling ke serendah…
menarik sungguh
he he he…kt taman kat rumah pun lebih byk pokok berdaun hijau dari yg berbunga…
redz-ziaf insyaallah..kalau ade rezeki…ikan talapia sebesar pinggan pun ade…:p
erk..maria tunku sabri tu ….asik makan je….larat ke ?
jelly angan² dulu tak pe..tak salah…….. :p
Insya-allah kak…. Hai entah bila la ekk….
kak jie
best nyer… nnti nak tuka angin ke serendah lah pulak… cuci2 minda kat sane
pastu boleh singgah umah kak jie untuk dinner atau coffee…hehe…!!
tp skrng musim hujan ek…msti aliran air deras…hurm… next year lah kot
tp saya akan masukkan serendah waterfall tu dalam xtvt outing sy
jom berkelah (gaya maria tunku sabri dlm jom jalan2)
salam kak jie..patut la kak jie suka hijau sehingga seluruh blog ni hijau..rupanya terkenan kan d green serendah..besss
mula2 nk bgtahu kat cik mika…itu alamat surat menyurat..dia boleh gunakan p.O Box kat KL kalo dia mau…tapi kilang dia mmg terletak di Serendah.
kiki bila……skrg ni musim hujan..berkelah je kt dlm rumah , tak pun kt reshaus Sentul :p
OD semua tmpat tu tepi² rumah je…. kg org asli tu…mmg sebelah je..hari² bertembung dgn dia org
jelly jgn lupa singgah rumah kakjie..:P
thanks kak jie….
Serendah seindah namanya….
Once ke KL nanti insya-allah nak ajak hubby melawat Serendah la…
mama saya teruja ngan air terjun tue..BBQ tu syokk ooooiii..
saya keje ngan PERODUA..
segala mcm surat utk Perodua adalah spt nie..
Perodua Automotive Centre
Sungai Choh, Locked Bag 226,
48009 Rawang..
p/s: saya bukan nak menidakkah kenyataan mama kompius skit lerrr..biasa kite org kat sini panggil perodua rwg…
mama..bila nak open table kat area serendah..lama dah xlepak situ..huhuhuh..air terjun yg dulu keruh dh bertukar jernih..kalau kite gi lagi…leh amik gambar kat situ lagi…n then wat perbezaan..dulu n sekarang..huhuhuhuhu
Salam Jie…
Canggih. Fullamak, hari-hari boleh bercuti kat situ. Sejuk dan nyaman. Cantik betul tempat tu ek. Jie sihat ke hari ni?